by the Delegation of
the European Union to Japan, EU Member States embassies and
cultural institutes in Japan, and the Italian
Institute of Culture, EUFilm Days brings the best of European cinema to audiences in Japan .
This unique festival is held as part of EU-Japan
Friendship Week, during which a wide range of activities and events
are held across Japan
celebrating relations between Japan
and Europe .
For the
eleventh edition of EU Film Days, films from 21 EU Member States as well as
from Croatia which is due to join the EU on 1 July, will be shown at the
Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo (two to three screenings per day) from
Friday 31 to 26 June (see schedule for details). Each film will be screened
twice during the period of the festival. Additionally this year, films from 9
EU Member States will also be screened in Takamatsu ,
Kanazawa , Okayama ,
and Saga.
This year's
selection of films, many of which are being shown for the first time in Japan,
have been chosen in order to exhibit the wide range of film-making talent in
the soon to be 28-Member State European Union as well as the cultural diversity
that the EU maintains. We hope that many of you will enjoy this opportunity to
experience the distinction and diversity of European film-making.
The Portuguese film “Amália the Movie”,
directed by Carlos Coelho da Silva in 2008, will be shown on 11th
June (19:00) and on 16th June (14:00) with English and Japanese
subtitles. The film is about the life of Amália Rodrigues, the Queen of Fado.
This will be the first time for the film to be shown in Japan and it will itinerate to Okayama
and Saga, after Tokyo .
Saga S-Platz Hall: 5th July
(Fri) 19:30~
More information (in Japanese) :
「EUフィルムデーズ」は、欧州連合(EU)加盟国大使館・文化機関が選定、提供する各国の作品を一堂に上映するユ ニークな映画祭です。上映される作品は、ヨーロッパの映画製作者の幅広い才能を披露するとともに、EUが重視する文化的多様性をさまざまな表現で映し出し ており、まさに多様な魅力に富んだものとなっております。
11回目を迎える今年は、5月31日から6月26日まで(休映日あり)、イタリア文化会館(東京・千代田区)を会場に、EU加盟27カ国中21カ国と、7 月1日加盟予定のクロアチアの計22カ国の選りすぐりの作品を紹介します。上映は1作品につき2回、各日2~3回行います。また、9カ国の作品が、高松、 金沢、岡山、佐賀の各地にも巡回します。
ポルトガルからは、日本未公開作「アマリア」(カルロス・コエーリョ・ダ・シルヴァ監督 2008年)が出品されます。ファドの女王として知られるアマリア・ロドリゲスの波乱万丈の人生を綴った作品です。挿入歌はすべてアマリア本人の歌声を使用しています。英日2ヶ国語の字幕つきです。
東京: 6月11日(火)19:00 ・6月16日(日)14:00
岡山: 6月29日(土)14:00
佐賀: 7月5日(金)19:30